There is only one power, energy, and intelligence in the universe, and it flows through us in varying degrees and intensity according to how willing and open we are to that energy. We may look to our jobs, family, or other source for our income; however, the ultimate source of our income is the benevolent universe. What are the hang-ups or blockages to that energy? Disbelief. Disbelief that the things that we want are possible and/or disbelief that we are worthy enough to receive the bounty of the universe.
Before we can make changes and create a different and more prosperous outcome, we must apply an effective intervention to the habitual sequence of thoughts and behaviors. The only requirements needed to begin the switch from poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness are a WILLINGNESS to suspend the disbelief and allow an OPENNESS to the possibilities.
Here is the basic recipe to introduce the intervention to begin the transition from poverty consciousness (lack) to prosperity consciousness (limitlessness). Keep in mind that words and thoughts carry energy in the form of ideas. The thoughts we think go out into the universe, who then brings those things into our experience.
When limiting thoughts come in:
1) Notice limiting thoughts: I can’t, It’s impossible, or It won’t happen.
2) Use self-talk to STOP the stream of disbelief.
Stop! These thoughts are not the truth about me and are no longer welcome.
3) Cancel those unhelpful thoughts:
Cancel, cancel, cancel. I do not wish to send that energy out.
4) Introduce the empowering thoughts; you do not need to believe them fully.
I’m not sure how this will happen, but I am open to the possibilities.
5) Continue to notice the disempowering beliefs and replace with empowering ones.
1) Statement: I’m always broke or I never have enough.
2) Thought stopping: That is not true. That thought is no longer welcome in my brain.
3) New empowering thoughts: I have money, and I choose to manage it better. I am a good
steward of my money. I am grateful for what I have.
We often consider our experience to represent the truth of things. However, our experience is a reflection and manifestation of our thoughts and beliefs and not reflections of the truth. If we believe in impossibility, lack, limitation, and that we’re not good enough to receive, those thoughts become our reality. We have created our own limited personal reality.
Some of the poverty beliefs that I’ve heard over the years are:
We’re broke!
I’ve always been poor.
I’ve struggled all my life. There’s never been enough.
People with money rule the world.
Money is evil.
If I ever get a lot of money, I’m going to pretend I’m broke.
If any of your beliefs are similar to these, stop that flow now! Consider examining your attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions about money, having or not having. What are the feelings associated with those beliefs? Often when a person believes that others have more, resentment accompanies that idea. You may have the feeling that you’re not good enough to have as much as others. Also consider what it would be like to not struggle or to need more than you have. Do you believe that you deserve more? Is that possible?
The following sections are designed to open your awareness (consciousness) to gain fuller understanding of how your beliefs may be affecting your life. An affirmation follows each section as a possible intervention to stem the flow of limitation.
What is poverty? The belief that you are somehow unable to have as much money or prosperity as you need. Other people have more than you, and it’s not fair. The government, the powers that be, and/or the boss/supervisor, don’t like me, don’t understand my needs, or care about me. The belief that your personal limitations or disabilities make it impossible for you to get ahead. Life is unfair. You can never get ahead.
I now release all elements of poverty working in my life,
and I invite prosperity in.
What is prosperity? Prosperity is the result of a natural and dynamic flow of giving and receiving, and it’s possible and natural for everyone on the planet to experience this. Anything is possible, and things work out for the highest good of all. Despite the odds, your life can flourish and good fortune can be a natural part of your life. If you’re not in the flow now, it’s on its way.
I am deserving and worthy of all the bounty the universe offers,
and I trust and surrender to these truths.
What is money? Money is energy and used to exchange items of value, which include thoughts, feelings, and kinships with each other. What you value may be different from market value, which is determined by any group of people who agree on the worth of an item, despite its actual cost. A painting created by an 18th Century master may go for millions of dollars. The artist may have originally sold it for grocery money. It’s a matter of perception and what we choose to believe or agree to.
We are energy beings and transmit and receive energy to and from each other daily through our words, thoughts, and actions. Money is a part of that energy transmission. While you may believe that your jobs/investments/pensions are the source of your income, your true benefactor is the universe, whose energy works through the people involved in paying us. Prosperity and money come from the unlimited abundance in the universe.
I accept the flow of money into my life as a positive
and healthy exchange of energy. I am open to receive.
Stewardship. One of the first steps to earning, acquiring, or receiving more money is to consider your attitudes around how you manage your assets and then add the intervention of stewardship to becoming a better caretaker. How can you balance the outflow with the inflow? How can you be more responsible?
I am a good steward of the money that comes to me,
and I am grateful.
Giving and Receiving. There are beliefs that you must give ten percent of your income to receive prosperity; however, giving money is only one way to increase your abundance. I’ve also read that if you give time, you only get time back—that you’re limited to getting what you give. Those beliefs are ones of LIMITATION that are not true. To enter the flow of giving and receiving, give what is in your heart to give (with healthy boundaries). Give time to someone in need, listening with your heart, or donate to a favorite organization.
A minister friend of mine suggested that instead of giving ten percent of your income automatically to your church or other group, donate to the person or institution that inspires you spiritually; that may include the restaurant server or the mechanic who went the extra mile to give you great service. Give when it brings you joy or nourishes your spirit. Think of the ten percent as a guideline only.
Receiving is often a bigger challenge for most people. It’s easy to give to others, but it is the receiving help or money that triggers those doubts about being worthy or good enough to receive. If you get stuck here, this may be one of the biggest blocks to being in the flow of an abundant and generous universe. Consider that you are just as deserving as anyone. At our core, we are equal. Practice giving and receiving.
I am open to receive the bountiful gifts of a loving universe.
Resistance. Resistance is a form of fear. Resistance to prosperous beliefs, positive ways of looking at things, healthy attitudes, and/or to your own good are all potential blocks to being in the flow of prosperity. Consider stepping back from the current view of your life and allowing the possibilities to expand. Imagine standing at the top of a mountain or that you’re an eagle flying over the countryside of your life to gain a larger perspective of how the universe works in your life. Consider examining the fears that hinder your growth. Are you afraid that you are not deserving?
I recognize that resistance is fear, and I let it go.
I am deserving of prosperity.
Disempowerment. Another block to prosperity is feeling helpless or victimized by life. When you experience disempowerment, it may mean that you’ve given your power away, believing others deserve more than you.
I take my power back! I take my energy back!
You can take your power back by being in charge of your choices, beliefs, and attitudes right now, this minute. Perhaps you cannot control what life throws at you, but you can control how you respond to those situations. Consider empowering yourself with healthy choices and believe that you are worth it. If you firmly believe that life is just a series of problems and that nothing good ever happens to you, that is the unfortunate energy that you unwittingly send out to the universe. What you get back is more of the same. This is where interventions are most crucial. Start believing that you are deserving of all good things even if you don’t believe it fully yet. Take a hard look at your daily life; there is good there already. Focus on that good and imagine opening to receive more. Be grateful for what you have.
I am open and willing to live a rich and healthy life.
It is here now, and I am grateful.
Gratitude and Thankfulness. It costs nothing to be grateful for what you have right now. Even if by comparison, it seems less than others, stop the comparing and be grateful anyway. The feeling of wanting or needing more comes from the ego that does not like empty space—the ego wants to constantly fill what it perceives to be a lack. Just notice that and set it aside. Practice naming all the things and people you are grateful for right now, including your pets, your plants, the heat from your furnace, the cool air from the air conditioner, and so on. How detailed can you make your list? What and who brings you joy? As Marie Kondo says “What sparks joy for you?”
I have everything that I need and want,
and I am grateful and thankful for the blessings that come to me.
Feelings. It’s important to include feelings and emotions into your practices to transition to prosperity. Changing thoughts alone is only part of the equation. Often, we may think about or rationalize changes, but nothing seems to change. That’s because the feeling aspect may be missing. When you experience feelings of unworthiness, not being good enough, or loveable enough, it’s important to sit with those feelings. Negative beliefs are not the truth of who you are. We adopt these beliefs because of the mixed messages received from the adults and peers in our world growing up, and those opinions are opinions only.
The new beliefs are to recognize your true worth, your lovability, and your importance in the grand scheme of things. When you feel badly about yourself, downhearted, or feel lost in the race of society to acquire more, take time to sit with these feelings. Acknowledge and validate them for they are a part of you. Practice accepting yourself just as you are right in this moment. Then consider the interventions to lighten your spirit and to recognize that your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are important.
The truth about me is that I am valuable,
confident, loveable, and important.
I have much to contribute to the world.
At my core, I am love.
Trust and Surrender. Begin to trust that your life can change for the better as you improve your relationship with the universe. Consider surrendering all the beliefs that hinder you and release them to the power and wisdom of the All That Is. It’s OK to admit that you don’t know how this will all work. Do you realize that your angels are with you to help? Ask for their help as you develop your practice.
I release all limiting and negative thoughts now.
I am willing and open to receive the wealth of a loving universe,
and I trust that I am worthy of these blessings.
When will the changes go into effect? Add to your belief system that every positive effort has benefit to you and your life. Also consider that to begin a practice of releasing the limiting beliefs and replacing with the consciousness that “anything is possible” creates changes in your life according to the pace, intention, and diligence that you give to your practice. In other words, expect a delayed reaction. However, as nothing is impossible for the universe, changes can happen instantly.
I intend that I live fully in prosperity and bounty right now.
Lasting change. With any change in thought, feeling, behavior, or experience, the starting place is within your mind, emotions, body, and spirit. Introduce positive interventions into your thinking, feeling, and believing, and the changes in your outer life will reflect that inner work. Affirmations to change your closed thoughts to open thoughts are among the most powerful strategies that allow for true lasting change.
I faithfully practice changing my negatives to positives.
Affirmations to initiate change:
(Choose one or two at a time that resonate with you and repeat them daily. Writing them helps, too.)
I now release all elements of poverty working in my life, and I invite prosperity in.
I am deserving of all the bounty the universe has to offer, and I surrender to these truths.
I accept the flow of money into my life as a positive and healthy exchange of energy.
I am a good steward of the money that comes to me.
I am in the bountiful flow of giving and receiving, and it blesses my life in limitless ways.
I recognize that resistance is fear, and I let it go. I am deserving of prosperity.
I am open and willing to live a rich and healthy life. It is here now.
I have everything that I need and want, and I am grateful for the blessings that come to me.
I intend that I live fully in prosperity and bounty right now.
I practice changing my negatives to positives faithfully.
I release all limiting and negative thoughts now.
I am open to receive the wealth of a loving universe, and am worthy of these blessings.
The truth about me is that I am valuable, confident, loveable, and important. I have much to contribute to the world. At my core, I am love.
I have more money coming in than going out.
I am a good steward of my money.
I bless the services I receive such as the electric, gas, water, and Internet.
I am grateful for everything that I have.
I am grateful for my job, coworkers, supervisor/boss, and the ability to work as well as I do.
I can change my journey at any time.
I step fearlessly into positive change for my life.
I stop punishing and support and encourage myself instead.
I have the power to choose how I feel and how to respond.
I have choices and options before me for every situation.
I acknowledge, validate, and sit in silence with my feelings.
I fully experience this moment just as it is, using all my senses.
I am on a grand adventure.
I open in curiosity and acceptance to life just as it is.
I invite the warmth and love of joy into my heart, mind, emotions, and body.
Joy is who I am!
I give freely of my time, attention, and love without conditions; I expect nothing in return.
I am generous in creative and loving ways.
I am open to accept the generosity of others.
I am immersed in deep gratitude for a loving, benevolent universe.
I give and receive love with gratitude and thanksgiving.
I let go and realize that I have everything I need within.
I choose to be gentle and kind to myself and all others.
I practice kindness to all creatures great and small.
I stop putting myself down and practice self-kindness and gentleness instead.
I am valuable and important.
What I say, think, and feel matters.
My life unfolds naturally in grace and joy.
I choose to gently unfold in awareness and enthusiasm.
I wisely choose the thoughts I think and the emotions I feel.
My life unfolds in wisdom, truth, and compassion.
I balance outward action with receptivity and stillness.
I am Love.
You have everything you need within you. Tap into that inner courage and dare to experience the joy of manifesting prosperity into your life!